Women's Devotional: For Women, by WomenПример

Women's Devotional: For Women, by Women

День 8 из 14


It is amazing that we can inhabit creation on this marvelous planet—in the midst of the changing seasons, with natural wonders surrounding us—and not always be aware of our Creator. Yet it happens. The momentum of life picks up, the to-do lists lengthen, the needs around us scream for attention, and before we know it, we have forgotten what is most important.

It’s not a new problem. Throughout the Old Testament, God used prophets like Isaiah to confront his people about this very thing. God reminded the people to be mindful of him, to remember their history, to keep their priorities in line—but they had trouble listening. Therefore, their efforts came up empty. They spent time doing what they thought was important, but they harvested only unexpected suffering. Anything they planted and nurtured without consulting the Gardener would come to ruin and disease. Isaiah prophesied that when they forgot that God was their source of life, they would harvest only dead vines and shriveled fruit.

Centuries later, Jesus brought this same metaphor home to his disciples: “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener…I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:1,5).

No matter what we do, whether it’s planting a vineyard, starting a business, raising children, or running a ministry, if we do not consult God, if we are not connected to the Vine, we will not yield a harvest.

It’s essential to remember that God is the One who causes us to bear fruit. When life is off kilter, what reminders can you plant in your life to bring you into his presence? Ancient Jews practiced several reminders of God’s presence. Their daily rituals and yearly feasts symbolized and celebrated their history with God.

It’s important to practice daily and weekly habits that remind us of God’s presence. Simple things can help us grow in our faith life: meditating on God’s goodness while in the carpool line, posting a Scripture verse in the kitchen, listening to worship music while getting ready in the morning, or taking a prayer walk each day. Be creative in the ways you find to stay connected to the Vine.


  • Think about a moment when you were especially aware of God’s presence in your life. What did that feel like?
  • What do you have in your home that can be your morning and evening reminder of God’s presence and power?
  • What difference does it make in your day when you are mindful of God’s presence?
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