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Captive No More: Freedom From Pain, Shame and GuiltПример

Captive No More: Freedom From Pain, Shame and Guilt

День 24 из 30

The Fortress of a Daily Walk

“Because he holds fast to Me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows My name. When he calls to Me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him.”
Psalm 91:14-15

We’ve carried around backpacks full of past personal pain for so long we’ve become hardened against most emotions, hope, and help. But like any victory in battle, you don’t just stick a flag in the ground and celebrate. We must defend our progress and protect ourselves from new attacks. Trust me, if the devil is on your tail, it isn’t to wish you well. It shows that you’ve moved away from his clutches and closer to God. Otherwise, he’d leave you alone as you wallow in his miserable control. 

Fortress building is how earthly kingdoms survived conquering new ground and maintaining their presence, and it’s how you’ll defend your newfound territory where the pain of your past stays there; in the past. 

The first fortress for you to construct is a daily walk with Jesus Christ. If there is to be true freedom from your past, then your personal relationship is the singularly most important aspect of your efforts. Without Christ, there is no lasting freedom from pain, nor is there genuine healing.  Praying, Reading, and Submitting are the keys to a vibrant Christ-led life of freedom.

Call To Action 

  1. Write out in detail what you understand praying to be. Think through this and try to deconstruct how you think about prayer in your life.  
  2. Write out in detail what you like and don’t like about reading the Bible. What draws you to it or keeps you away from it. 
  3. Write out in detail what role you understand the Holy Spirit to play in the Holy Trinity. 

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День 23День 25

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