Семена Весны: 40-дневное путешествие женщиныПример

Seeds of Spring: A Woman's 40-day Journey

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Planting and Tending Your Garden SEED OF TRUTH Read Ephesians 5:22-33. Remembering the preceding verse, "submit to one another out of reverence for Christ," read this passage, asking the Lord to reveal any areas where you need to make a change in the way you respond or think about your husband. If you are not married, pray this scripture for a married woman you know. Pray also that if the Lord would call you to marry that He would prepare your heart in this area. PLANT THE SEED Quietly recite today's focus verse to yourself. Hide it in your heart and meditate on it throughout the day. Ephesians 5:24 "Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands." WATER THE SEED The concept of submission in our culture is foreign. Submission is seen as weakness or as slavery. It doesn't make sense for today. It may have been necessary in another world or another time. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Submission is a theme throughout all scripture - submission to God, His word, to pastors and leaders, husbands, employers, and, even as we read yesterday, to one another. Consider what it means to submit to Christ all throughout your day. As you do, ask yourself if you would ever talk to the Lord or treat the Lord the way you treat others, your husband, a sibling, or a parent. BEAR THE FRUIT Submit to Christ and to your husband. CLOSE IN PRAYER Ask the Lord to bring to life all that has been planted in your heart today.

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Об этом плане

Seeds of Spring: A Woman's 40-day Journey

Библия часто использует определенные промежутки времени (времена, сезоны и т.п.), чтобы проиллюстрировать работу Бога в нас. Этот 40-дневный план для женщин использует сад в качестве образа, отображающего наше возрастание во Христе. Каждый день вы будете получать "Зерно Истины" (Писание), и указания о том, как "Посеять эти Семена" (принять близко к сердцу) и затем "Поливать" (применять в жизни). Ободритесь! Господь будет выращивать в ваших сердцах прекрасный сад согласно Своему характеру, и сад этот будет наполнен Самим Господом. Данный план отлично подходит для занятых мам, одиноких женщин и студенток.


We would like to thank Thistlebend Ministries and author Laurie Aker for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: www.thistlebendcottage.org