The Essential 100Пример
PRAY Lord, sometimes Your word is hard to understand but please help me because I really want to.
READ Genesis 21:1—22:19
REFLECT Sacrificing Isaac was a big test for Abraham. Has God ever tested you? What was the result? Why do you think God tests people? What does it accomplish?
APPLY Think of one challenge you face today that provides an opportunity to exercise your faith. Then, decide that challenge will be a “spiritual opportunity” for you.
PRAY Good Lord, I pray that You’ll help my faith to grow a little bit stronger each day.
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Об этом плане
The Essential 100 Challenge (E100) helps you get an overview of the Bible... without getting bogged down. The Plan guides you through 50 Old Testament passages and 50 New Testament passages — The Essential 100 — so you can see the big picture of God's Word, and form a daily Bible reading habit in the process.