The Essential 100Пример

The Essential 100

День 61 из 100

FEEDING THE  FIVE THOUSAND                                           

PRAY  Thank God that he feeds you the food you need each day and offers to feed you from his Word, also.

READ  Luke 9:1-36

REFLECT  Many people today are skeptical of the miracles in the Bible. What’s your perspective? How would you explain Jesus’ miracle of feeding 5,000 people to a skeptic?

APPLY  At each meal today, be sure to thank God for feeding you so generously. Consider making a generous donation to a local food pantry, also. 

PRAY  Lord, I am truly thankful for Your faithfulness in feeding me. Help me never to take Your care for granted.

День 60День 62

Об этом плане

The Essential 100

The Essential 100 Challenge (E100) helps you get an overview of the Bible... without getting bogged down. The Plan guides you through 50 Old Testament passages and 50 New Testament passages — The Essential 100 — so you can see the big picture of God's Word, and form a daily Bible reading habit in the process.
