The Essential 100Пример

The Essential 100

День 33 из 100

DAVID AND GOLIATH                                                                   

PRAY Lord, may I confront any challenges this or any day trusting in Your awesome power and Your love for me.

READ  1 Samuel 16:1—18:16

REFLECT Do you think David was really courageous or just foolhardy to fight Goliath? How can you judge when it’s right to take on such a fight? Do you face one now?

APPLY Courage to face the “goliaths” of life come from a strong faith and the support of others. Take some concrete steps, beginning today, to strengthen both. 

PRAY Ask God for courage to face any “goliaths” in your life. Pray to be able to trust him as young David did.

День 32День 34

Об этом плане

The Essential 100

The Essential 100 Challenge (E100) helps you get an overview of the Bible... without getting bogged down. The Plan guides you through 50 Old Testament passages and 50 New Testament passages — The Essential 100 — so you can see the big picture of God's Word, and form a daily Bible reading habit in the process.
