31 Day Marriage ResetПример

31 Day Marriage Reset

День 20 из 31

You will never be happy in your marriage until you choose to focus on God rather than all the things that bother you.


Whew y’all… it’s so true that sometimes we tend to focus on the negative. How our spouse said they would do something and then they forgot. How they said they would pay a bill and now there’s a late fee. Things happen, fingers are pointed, and then everyone is flustered. However, crying over spilled milk doesn’t clean it up or change the fact that it was spilt. Making it a habit of showing grace, rather than grumbling, will result in a lot more peace in your marriage. Learn from mistakes, have a conversation about them if it is necessary, but don’t dwell on them. Turn your attention to God and ask Him to help you show grace to your spouse the way that He shows grace to you.

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