Love God Greatly - JonahПример

Love God Greatly - Jonah

День 19 из 28

God came into the world to save it, not condemn it. 

There´s nothing worse than being lost and not being aware of it. I was lost for 26 years of my life and I had no idea. I had the perfect life the world tells us we need to have, but I lived with a suitcase in my hand. When I settled into a place and unpacked, found a new job, a new house, new friends…the void in my heart was still so big that I needed to move again, searching for something that would fill it. Once God filled that void, everything started to make sense. 

The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. The Son of Man come to seek and save me, to seek and save you. And He is still seeking for the lost and the sick, for all people who live unaware of their need. 

Who do you know that is still lost? Who do you know that is still sick? Jonah was commanded to go to Nineveh and preach to give the people the opportunity to be saved. We are commanded to go to the entire world and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For the majority of Christians, it means going to your neighbor, you kid´s teacher, the girl at the gym, the lady at the grocery store. They are lost and you have the map. They are sick and you have the cure. 

Dear Lord, thank You for coming to this world to save me. I see so many people around me that don´t know You and don´t even realize that they´re lost without You! Give me the words to share about You. May Your Holy Spirit work in their hearts to bring them into a relationship with You. Amen. 

День 18День 20

Об этом плане

Love God Greatly - Jonah

Regardless if we are an outsider, like the people of Nineveh, or an insider, like Jonah, to the Kingdom of God, the book of Jonah is a reminder that God goes to great lengths to demonstrate His grace and mercy to all. Be encouraged as you read this powerful story of God’s relentless grace and mercy, and may you never forget that no one is beyond redemption. May we all seek to love the loveless in our lives.
