The A.R.T. of Conquering FearПример

The first step in overcoming a problem is admitting you have a problem. Knowing that God did not give us a spirit of fear and desires that we live free from fear, we have to be honest with ourselves in acknowledging our fears. You may be asking “Christy, how do I know if I have fear?” Here are a list of eight statements for you to consider. Make a mental check mark by each statement that resonates with you.
· You procrastinate the things that will make the most difference.
· You avoid the people and situations that hold you accountable.
· You blame circumstances, lack of knowledge, other people, etc. for your lack of progress.
· You get angry, especially if someone asks about one of your tasks or goals.
· You are numb emotionally.
· You lack motivation and feel lazy about completing personal and professional “chores.”
· You focus on low priority tasks rather than what will bring progression.
· You are easily distracted and it takes great effort to return to your task.
If you mentally checked three or more statements, you are likely experiencing fear. You now have to begin the process of acknowledging those specific fears. This is a big first step.
Священное Писание
Об этом плане

If failure was not an option and fear was not an issue for you, what would your life be like? What would look different? Would you have a different job? Would you pursue higher education? Would you have written your book? Would you have started a business? What has fear kept you from doing? Author Christy Demetrakis shares three steps to increase your faith and conquer your fears.
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