John 12
chapter twelve
1and six days before Pesach is Yehoshua come to Beit-Anyah, where El'azar was, whom Yehoshua had raised up again from the dead. 2they did therefore there for him make a feast, and Marta did serve; El'azar however was one of those, who were sitting with him at the table. 3and Mary did take a pound pure, costly spikenard, and anoint (with) the feet of Yehoshua, and wipe off his feet with her hair; and the house has self fill up with the fragrance of the spikenard/perfume. 4however Yehudah man from Kriot, one of his disciples, the (one), who was him should betray, did say: 5why has they not sold the this spikenard for three hundred denarii and given (this money) to poor people? 6and the these did he say, not because he did himself care about the poor people; but because he was a thief, and had the purse and used to embezzle, what they has put in. 7Yehoshua did therefore say: leave her alone, for (the) day of my burial has she it been keeping. 8because the poor people have you (PL) always with yourselves, me however have you (PL) not always.
9and a great crowd of Judaeans has self find out, that he is found there; and they are come not only on account of Yehoshua, but also so as to see El'azar, whom he has roused from the dead. 10the chief kohenim however have self conspired, even El'azar to kill; 11because a many of the Judaeans did on account of him were leaving, and have believed in Yehoshua.
12the next morning did the crowd people, who is come for Yom Tov, heard, that Yehoshua comes to Jerusalem, 13have they taken palm branches, and did go out him to meet, and have shouted:
blessed is the (one) who comes in the Name of Hashem, king of Israel!
(Psalms 118, 25)
(blessed is the (one),
who comes in the Name of the L-rd G-d,
the king of Israel).
14and finding a young donkey, has self Yehoshua thereon sit on, as it stands written:
15fear you not, you (SG) daughter of Zion,
look, your king comes,
riding on a young donkey.
(Zecharyah 9, 9)
16this did his disciples at the first not understand; but when Yehoshua is already was glorified, did they themselves then remember, that it had been written about him, and that this has they done to him. 17and the crowd people, who was with him, when he did El'azar call out from the tomb, and him rouse from the dead, did witness say about him. 18on account of that actually did the crowd him go to meet, because they had heard, that he had done the these sign (miracle). 19therefore did the Pharisees say one to the other: you (PL) see, that you (PL) prevail nothing; look, the whole world runs him already after!
20and there are was some Greeks among the (ones), who did go up on foot were, in order to self to worship (at) the Yom Tov; 21and they did come to Philip, who did stem from Beit-Tzaidah in Galilee, and did him ask, so to say: Sir, we want see Yehoshua. 22comes Philip and says this to Andrew; comes Andrew with Philip and says this to Yehoshua; 23Yehoshua however did them answer, so to say: it is come the hour, that the Son of Man shall glorified to be. 24in truth, in truth say I you (PL): if the grain wheat falls in the earth into and dies not, remains it alone; if however it dies yes, brings it a many fruits. 25the one, who does love his soul, loses it; and the one, who has hate his soul in the this one world, will it keep to the eternal life. 26if someone serves me, let him me follow; and where I am, there will also my servant be; if someone serve me, will the Father him give honor. 27now is my soul troubled; and who shall I say? Father, make me save from the this one hour? however on account of this am I after all come to the this one hour. 28Father, glorify your Name! and there is come a voice from heaven: I have already glorified and will again glorify. 29the crowd people, who is standing and self listening, did say, it has thundered; others did say: an angel did speak to him. 30did Yehoshua answer and say; not on account of me is the these voice come, but on account of you (PL). 31now is the judgment for the this one world; now will the prince of the this one world thrown out to be outside. 32and I, when I will lifted up to be from the earth, will draw everyone to me. 33the these did he say, alluding to his, with what for a death he goes die. 34the crowd did therefore answer to him: we did hear from the Torah, that the Moshiach remains on eternal; and how then you say: the Son of Man must lifted up become? who is this the this one Son of Man? 35did Yehoshua to them say: still a short while is this light among you (PL). go then in the light while you (PL) have it, so that the darkness shall (on) you (PL) not fall; and the one, who go in the darkness, knows not where he goes. 36while you (PL) have the light, believe in the light, so that you (PL) shall become children of the light. this did Yehoshua speak, and did leave, and did himself hide from them. 37and although he had done for them so many signs, did they (all) not believe in him; 38so that the word of Yeshayah the prophet shall fulfilled to be, which he has said:
o L-rd, who has believed our report?
and upon whom has self be revealed
the arm of L-rd (Hashem)?
(Yeshayah 53, 1)
39therefore were they not able to believe, because Yeshayah did again say:
40and he had blind made their eyes,
hard made their heart,
so that they should not see with the eyes,
and understand with the heart,
and repentance do,
and I shall them heal.
(Yeshayah 6, 9, 10)
41this did Yeshayah say, because he had seen his glory, and spoke about him. 42yet have a many even of the rulers believed in him, but on account of the Pharisees did they it not confess did, so that they should not put to be in cheirem (ban) into; 43because they did rather have the glory from people, than the glory from Hashem.
44and Yehoshua did call out and said: the one, who believes in me, believes not in me, but in the one, who has me sent. 45and the one, who sees me, sees the one, who has me sent. 46I am come a light in the world into, so that every one, who believes in me, shall not remain in the darkness. 47and if anyone hears my words, and keeps them not, will I him not judge; because I did not come, so that I shall condemn the world, only so that I shall save the world. 48the one, who casts me aside and accepts not on my words, has already his judge; the word, which I have spoken, that will him condemn in the last day. 49because I have of me alone not spoken; but he, who has me sent, the Father himself, has me given a command, what I shall say, and what I shall speak. 50and I know, that his command is eternal life. therefore what I speak, speak I so, as the Father has to me spoken.

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English Interlinear of the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadasha
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