Jenesis 1

God Kreate Di World
1Wen di world just start, na God kreate di heaven and di eart. 2Di eart nor get shape at-all. E dey empty and darkness kover di wota, but God Spirit dey waka on-top di wota.
3So God kon sey, “Make lite kom.” And lite kon kom! 4God si sey di lite dey good, so E kon separate di lite from di darkness. 5God koll di lite, “Day” and di darkness, E koll am, “Nite.” And dat evening and morning kon make am di first day.
6God sey, “Make di wota divide into two, so dat space go dey di middle.” 7So God separate di wota wey dey under di space from di wota wey dey on-top di space. And na so e kon bi. 8God koll di space, “Sky.” And dat evening and morning kon make am di sekond day.
9God sey, “Make di wota wey dey under di sky gada for one place and make dry groun kom out.” And na so e kon bi. 10God kon koll di dry groun, “Land” and di wota wey gada, E koll am, “Sea.” God si sey e dey good. 11God kon sey, “Make di land produce difren plants: plants wey go bear seeds akordin to how dem bi and trees wey go bear fruit akordin to how dem bi.” And na so e kon bi. 12Di land produce difren plants; di ones wey dey bear seeds and fruits, akordin to dia kind. God kon si sey e dey good. 13So dat evening and morning kon make am di third day.
14God sey, “Make lite dey for di sky wey go separate di day from di nite and make sign dey wey go show sizin, days, years 15and make dem bi lite for di sky wey go give lite to di eart.” And na so e kon bi. 16God make two big lite: di one wey big pass go shine for day time and di small one go shine for nite. God make di stars too. 17God put di lite for di sky, so dat e go dey shine for di eart 18and dem go dey rule both for day and nite. Dem go separate lite from darkness. So God si sey evritin dey good. 19And dat evening and morning kon make am di fourt day.
20Den God kon sey, “Make difren animals wey get life full di wota and make birds full di sky.” 21God kreate di big-big fish for sea and evry oda tin wey dey stay inside wota and difren-difren birds. God si sey dem dey good. 22God bless dem kon sey, “Make una stay di wota kon born many shidren and make di birds born many pikin full di sky.” 23So dat evening and morning kon make am di fift day.
24Den God sey, “Make di land produce difren animals akordin to dia kind: kattle, tins wey dey creep for groun and wild animals akordin to dia kind.” And na so e kon bi. 25God make wild animals, kattle and evritin wey dey creep for groun akordin to dia kind. God kon si sey dem dey good.
26Den God sey, “Make wi kreate human being like Awasef, just as wi bi, so dat dem go bi oga ova di fish dem for sea and di birds for di sky, plus di kattles and ova di whole eart plus evritin wey dey inside.”
27So God kon kreate human being like ensef;
as God bi, na so E kreate dem;
both man and woman, na-im E kreate.
28God bless dem kon sey, “Make una born many shidren full di eart and na una go kare for evritin! Na una bi oga ova di birds for di sky, di fish dem for sea and evritin wey God kreate.” 29Den God sey, “Evry plant wey dey bear seed and tree wey dey bear fruit, I give dem to una as food. 30Plus all di animals for di eart; birds for di sky and evritin wey dey waka for groun. Evritin wey dey alive and evry green plant, I gi-am to una as food.” And na so e kon bi. 31So God si evritin wey E kreate and dem good well-well! And dat evening and morning kon make am di sixt day.


Jenesis 1: pcm





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