40 Days With the Risen LordSample

The Apostles Decide to Preach and Pray
From An Ordination Service
To an ordination candidate: You will continually pray to God the Father, by the mediation of our Saviour Jesus Christ, for the assistance of the Holy Spirit; so that, by daily reading and meditating on the Scriptures, you may grow in your ministry; and that you may so strive to sanctify the lives of you and yours and to shape them according to the teaching of Christ, that you may be godly patterns for the people to follow.
Question: Will you be diligent in prayer, and in the reading of the Scriptures, undertaking studies that help to fuller knowledge of them, and turning aside from the pursuit of studies for self indulgence and worldly gain?
Candidate: I will do so, the Lord being my helper.
A Prayer
Our Father,
You gift your people for many and various tasks so that we do not neglect anyone, or any responsibility to pray and spread your word. You have given us brothers and sisters that we might all have a role to play as your people. We are sorry when we become childish and don’t work together. We are sorry when our churches become childish and want to do it all themselves. You have given us brothers and sisters from different parts of the world and in different denominations so the word of God might spread rapidly. We are sorry when we do not hand over responsibilities to others, and for impeding the work of the gospel because of our lack of unity. We call upon you, Lord, to act in your world through your Spirit so that we may become one, and the word of God might spread and many might become obedient to faith. Amen.
Journal Exercise
Work out three changes that would make your life less busy so that you could spend that time in studying the scriptures, prayer and speaking for Christ. Write a prayer asking for God to enable you to make those lifestyle changes. Think of two people whom God has called to preach and pray. Reflect on how you could use your God-given gifts for the church so that they could devote more time to the word of God and prayer. Write a prayer to the sovereign God who directs his mission in all the world.
A Quote
Prayer is not you trying to move God. Prayer is amongst other things being caught up into God’s directions and activity. He orders the affairs of the universe, and he invites you to participate by prayer.
– John White
A Challenging Prayer
Pray that God’s people will reform the life of the church (including our use of resources and deployment of ministry) to enable the multiplication of faithful Christian fellowships, congregations and churches obediently living out and proclaiming God’s word in our villages, towns, cities and in all the world.
About this Plan

Elevate your prayer life with "40 Days with the Risen Lord." This devotional plan intertwines prayer and gospel proclamation, inspiring you to commune with God about your friends and share the Good News with them. Embark on a spiritual journey alongside the early disciples, from the resurrection to the ascension, deepening your faith and outreach.
We would like to thank Lausanne Movement for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://lausanne.org/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw17qvBhBrEiwA1rU9w8FZprx0dNSpKNbClzKEAGgy7vf4ugD56DE0oxH8AxbnAS-uRybLSBoCvyYQAvD_BwE