Most Likely to . . .Sample

You are exactly where you should be. It seems like a strange idea, but God weaves our lives in a way where we're in the exact right position to lead the people around us. To make a difference, all we have to do is focus on what matters most to God and we can help others see a whole new way of living.
Today's reading focuses on these rules known as the Ten Commandments. After God invited Moses to lead his people out of slavery in Egypt, they needed a new direction for how to live. So, God gave Moses these rules to share with everyone and to help clarify what it means to live as God's people. At their core, these commandments can be split into two ideas: love God and love others.
God brought these people to this moment in history so they could be a shining example of how to live for God. When they chose to lead through love and service, they set a new example for everyone who would follow. Leadership wasn't about being perfect people and having it all together. Instead, God made leadership about choosing love whenever possible so that others can have a unique experience and connection with God.
So when you go out into the world, remember to choose love. We're all in such unique positions to show love to the people around us. Use your love for God and others to help make a difference because great leaders choose to love.
About this Plan

When you hear the word "leader," you might think about an influential celebrity, a famous politician, a coach, or your new class president. Great leaders don't have to have official positions, titles, or people who report to them. With God, being a great leader is something anyone can achieve because leadership is simply about becoming the kind of person who's worth following. But how?
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