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Theology for Everybody: RomansSample

Theology for Everybody: Romans

DAY 63 OF 365

Throughout the Bible, when there is a dispute, the law required two or three witnesses to testify as to the truth. The same will be true when we stand before God for judgment at the end of this life.

The first witness will be God, who sees and knows all. The second witness will be our conscience that God placed within us to know right and wrong (even if we don’t know God). The third witness will be the Word or law of God. Paul says everyone has revelation from God, though some people have more than others.

A conscience can’t save you, but it can help you. A conscience can’t get you to heaven, but it can get you out of trouble. What is curious about the conscience is how people will deny a universal law or standard of right and wrong established by God the Lawgiver when they are guilty of wrongdoing. Still, then they will appeal to a universal law when they feel violated by the wrongdoing of others. We see this play out constantly as every day seems to have a new moral outrage issue of the day. People who deny any universal sense of right and wrong established by moral laws will be the first to cry out for justice when they sense something “wrong” has occurred. Why does this hypocrisy happen continually? Because God has given us a conscience. We know something about right and wrong even if we don’t know the Someone who gave us our conscience.

God will judge everyone by the two witnesses of conscience and the Scripture. This judgment will include our “secrets.” We all sin, just in different ways. Some people’s sin is overt—they don’t pretend to hide it but instead flaunt it by letting everyone know of their latest escapades, complete with photos on social media to brag about being bad.

Religious people, however, are more covert. This is the second religious trap. A religious culture encourages people to be sneaky because if you step forward and admit you are struggling, you will get hammered. The other religious people are going to pound you like a nail. When religious people sin, they tend to do it in secret, where only God can see what they are truly doing. They’re overt in their demands for others but covert in their behavior. Religious people are not better than others; they’re just better at hiding.

The most religious people are the most covert people. This was the case with Judas Iscariot. As a disciple, he didn’t draw much attention to himself initially; he wasn’t like Peter, who created lots of drama and conflict. Instead, Judas quietly stole from the disciples’ moneybag (see John 12:8). Then, one day, for 30 pieces of silver, he joined an unholy alliance of religious and political leaders. Armed with swords, clubs, and torches, they all came to the Garden of Gethsemane with an arrest warrant for Jesus.

Judas wasn’t a good man; he was a sneaky man. And eventually, he was exposed and judged by Jesus. This is the way many people will live their lives. We will think they’re good, moral people, but we'll all be shocked when Jesus Christ brings forth all their secrets on the last day.

Today’s Reflection

Do you tend to be more of a covert person or more of an overt person?

Day 62Day 64

About this Plan

Theology for Everybody: Romans

After Pastor Mark got saved in his college dorm room reading the book of Romans, this 365-day devotional is the culmination of more than 30 years of studying this incredible book. Chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse, this book digs into topics covered in the great book of Romans, such as justification, grace, predestination, legalism, deconstruction, and more.


We would like to thank Mark Driscoll for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: