Made for MoreSample

Q: Why did God create humans?
A: God created humans to know and worship him. We do this by reflecting his image to the world around us.
In 2006, before Netflix and Disney+, a TV series called Planet Earth became a worldwide sensation. Viewers of all ages, from little kids and college students to adults and even grandparents, gathered around their TVs to watch majestic images of sunsets, mountain peaks, coral reefs, and all the creatures that filled them. Nature overwhelms us with its beauty, yet as vast and complex and staggering as it may be, the Bible tells us that one piece of creation surpasses even the most beautiful scene in nature: human beings. God created men and women after he created everything else, and he calls us his image bearers– the ultimate expression and reflection of his own character. Even the most majestic mountain doesn’t fully reflect the glory of God. People do!
Looking at the crazy complexity and staggering beauty of the universe can make us feel small–and it should! But looking at the truth of God’s Word should also make us feel significant–God chose us to be his image bearers and reflect his love and character to the world around us.
Read: Psalm 8
Reflection Questions:
- Have you ever experienced a beautiful scene in nature? Take some time to remember how you felt, taking it all in. In what ways did it make you feel “small” in comparison? What did it show you about the greatness of God?
- What parts of this psalm make you feel significant? What does it mean that God “crowned them with glory and honor?”
- Based on this psalm, what do you think humanity’s role is in the world? How can you be part of living that out?
About this Plan

The Christian faith offers us an identity that is received as a gift from God, not achieved by our efforts. We don’t have to chase after meaning or compare ourselves to others because we know God created each of us in his image, uniquely and for a purpose. This Bible Plan is part 2 of 8 designed to go along with Feed’s “Foundations” small group series.
We would like to thank OneHope for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: