Creativity + Jesus: A 5-Day Reading Plan for Kids by Dave ConnisSample

“God and Eva both love to invent.” — The Inventions of God (And Eva) by Dave Connis
Yesterday, we talked about how God made humans like Him. Humans are God Mirrors, reflecting His awesomeness across the lands. But, before God invented humans, He had to deal with an earth that was “formless and void,” which is kinda like saying, “The earth was a giant container of blocks dumped all over the floor.”
Blocks all over the floor aren’t anything in particular. They’re not a spaceship or a super-mega castle, complete with a lava moat. They’re just a mess. To turn them into something, you have to use your creativity to put them together and make and invent things. That’s what God did at the beginning of the world. He invented a bunch of stuff (light, sky, land, sea) and brought order, beauty, love, hope, and purpose to the mess.
God made Adam like Him, right? That’s why God brought animals to Adam and asked him to name them. God invited Adam to take the blocks on the floor and make something out of them, just like He did when He first created them. God wanted Adam to join in the fun, hope, and joy of making and creating the world.
So, put on your thinking socks, necklaces, and flip flops, and take the rest of the day to think about this:
How is God asking you to join in the fun of creating or inventing?
Other questions:
1. Do you think that making something with a giant container of blocks is being like God? Why or why not?
2. Out of all the things God invented (animals, mountains, sun, etc), what is your favorite?
About this Plan

Whether it's a new plan for a tree house, a refreshed take on a rocket ship, or a robotic dog that eats unwanted broccoli, kids are always inventing, coming up with new ideas, and stretching their imaginations. And as Dave Connis illustrates in his book, The Inventions of God (and Eva), when kids create, they are expressing a reflection of God's character and joining Him in His act of creation!
We would like to thank WaterBrook Multnomah for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: