The Bible for KidsSample

Bible heroes do good things. But Bible heroes sin, too. So why are they in the Bible?
When people sin in the Bible, it shows how amazing God is. He is loving, so He never gives up on anyone. He gives chance after chance to live for Him.
He gives you another chance in His Son, Jesus. When you read about Jesus in the Bible, you’ll see He faced hard decisions, too. But Jesus never sinned! He always chose God’s good way. When you choose to follow Jesus, He gives you His power to choose God’s good way, too.
Watch This Video together
Talk Together
- Share one thing you remember from the Bible story video.
- What do you think makes Jesus the ultimate hero?
Pray Together
God, thank You for sending Your perfect Son, Jesus, so that we can come to You and find the grace we need. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Read Together
Read the Bible story for today. Take turns sharing what it makes you think about. Ask each other any questions it makes you think of.
About this Plan

The Bible is an incredible book to read, talk about, and explore over and over again! Let’s find out about the big story of the whole Bible and what it means for us as followers of Jesus. For Parents: This Bible Plan is designed for families. Your child will have a deeper understanding of the daily readings, videos, challenges, and questions if you do it together.
We would like to thank Life.Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: