Because We Care – It’s All About the ConversationSample

Can you remember children’s stories you heard when you were very young?
How about remembering a Christian testimony and details in it you heard years ago?
While reading today's verses think about the following questions:
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 As a simple reflection, what things could we learn or be encouraged by from these verses?
Revelation 12:10-12 Who was hurled down? To where was he hurled? According to the text, who triumphed? By what two things did they triumph, and what might these mean?
(‘Blood of the lamb’ alludes to faith in what Jesus did at the cross. ‘The word of their testimony’ refers to the ongoing encouragement they received through hearing regular current stories about what God was doing.)
From these verses, for how long might the challenges of this life affect the saints? (Do they continue forever?)
These verses suggest that faith in Jesus, along with the encouragement of testimonies, can give us courage. How much courage, and why would we need it?
Please watch the video, continue to read below, and then meditate on today's Scripture references.
Think about the four areas covered in the video that makes testimonies so powerful for encouraging faith:
- They relate
- They can't be argued with
- They are interesting and memorable
- They are evidence
From your experience, are non-church people generally interested in hearing spiritual stories?
If we tell stories from a clear motive of trying to convince them of something, do you think they can tell? (The attitude of our hearts is unavoidably in the tone of our words. Gentleness is therefore important. 1 Peter 3:15).
(Beyond our own testimonies, other people’s testimonies, stories from history, and stories related to things in nature - like in Jesus’ parables, can all also be used to communicate spiritual points.)
Think about the three key points of testimony in the video:
1. Beforehand
2 . What God did
3. What changed as a result
Make a list of your key 2 or 3 faith experiences you could tell someone else about to encourage their journey toward faith.
From those, select an experience you feel a strong emotional connection to in terms of how it impacted your life - because you will naturally communicate that story better.
Write the story down in about 300 words, with a non-church audience in mind (300 words will take about 2 minutes to say).
Write your story again – but this time in 160 words, or less.
Record this very simply with your phone in under 1 minute. Who could you share this with?
- For suitable occasions to ask people about their stories this week.
- For God to help you remember stories of your own which you could share concisely when in conversation, to encourage faith.
Be encouraged as you share the gospel!
About this Plan

"Go into all the world and..." The great commission gives us a clear purpose, but reaching people starts with connection and conversation! “I have become all things to all people that by all possible means I might save some.” This plan encourages and equips us to engage with people through everyday spiritual conversations in the hope they take steps toward Jesus.
We would like to thank Shining Lights Trust for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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