Because We Care – It’s All About the ConversationSample

Conversations move at the speed of trust
Have you ever met someone, and hit it off straight away in meaningful conversation? What was it about you – or them, that enabled this?
Think of a time when a conversation was awkward. What do you think makes conversations with some people awkward?
We'll be looking today at Luke 19:1-10 where Jesus was at the table with known ‘sinners’.
A few tensions existed in the room because not only were tax collectors corrupt back then, they were also considered to have sided with the Romans in their military occupation of Israel.
As you read the verses, do you get the impression that Zacchaeus and his friends were comfortable around Jesus, or do you think they felt judged by him, and why?
What do you think must have happened in their conversations to get past any initial awkwardness through to a conversation that changed Zacchaeus’ life? (Maybe Jesus engaged in ‘small talk’ without any hint of judgment. As trust built, he then continued to feed conversation through stories and questions. As trust grew, things opened up).
Please watch the video, continue to read below, and then meditate on today's Scripture references.
From the video, what was the point of the bicycle illustration?
Would you agree that for many Christians, conversational skills might be a greater need than more gospel skills? Why?
What is the meaning of the statement ‘big talk follows small talk’?
How good are you at asking questions that get others talking about their own thoughts, experiences, or feelings - rather than doing most of the talking yourself?
List some interesting questions you could ask to get to know someone better?
From the video, there were some questions about their background or current interests: Where do you come from? Tell me about your family? What do you do with your time? What do you do for recreation? Another idea is to ask questions about a person’s hopes and dreams: E.g. If you could change one thing in this world with your life, what would it be? If you could have any job at all, what would you want to do, and where? If you could magically become any person on this planet, who would it be and why?
Think about these three scenarios:
- Have you ever tried to engage in a conversation with someone on a topic where they declined to engage the conversation? What happened and how did it make you feel?
- Have you ever had someone initiate a conversation with you about something, but you didn’t engage because you weren’t interested?
- Have you ever had someone engage you in a conversation about something you weren’t interested in, but because of the way they talked about it you became interested? What happened?
Because conversations move at the speed of trust, it’s important we learn how to enjoy ‘small talk’. Without this, we will not have the opportunity to engage in much ‘big talk’.
Jesus’ conversation with Zacchaeus only happened because he gave Zacchaeus time.
Who are you going to give some time to this week to get to know them better and potentially open up a conversation?
What questions could you ask your friends, to get to know them and their thoughts better?
- That your passion to be a positive Christian witness to others will grow.
- From the 5 friends you listed, who you would like to encourage to consider the Christian offer of forgiveness, life, and hope from God.
Be encouraged as you share the gospel!
About this Plan

"Go into all the world and..." The great commission gives us a clear purpose, but reaching people starts with connection and conversation! “I have become all things to all people that by all possible means I might save some.” This plan encourages and equips us to engage with people through everyday spiritual conversations in the hope they take steps toward Jesus.
We would like to thank Shining Lights Trust for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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