Because We Care – It’s All About the ConversationSample

Can you recall a time where you said something inappropriate or embarrassing in a group setting by mistake? What happened?
Have you ever been in a conversation where someone said something, and you reacted to it – only to later realize you’d misunderstood?
Consider the following while reading today's verses, Acts 17:22-31 and 1 Corinthians 8:4.
• What power does an idol have?
• Why didn’t Paul confront them with the truth that idols are nothing but bits of wood or clay?
• What did this approach achieve? What do we learn from Paul’s example here?
Please watch the video, continue to read below, and then meditate on today's Scripture references.
What was the main point being made in the video?
When people say things you disagree with, do you typically disagree openly – or stay quiet to keep the peace?
Have you ever had someone who disagrees with you approach the conversation so gently that they not only opened up the conversation with you – but also succeeded in changing your view?
Is it important that we always work to keep the peace?
What should our motives be, that determine whether or not we keep the peace? (When should we confront more directly?)
If you have an opportunity with someone, take turns asking various awkward questions, or making awkward statements that the other needs to respond to without any immediate sign of disagreement. Then discuss together how could you (1) somehow compliment the person while (2) asking a question that might help you to better understand what they have said?
Think about one key point you've learned today about awkward conversations?
Who could you engage in conversation this week to practice these skills?
- For God to lead you to people at suitable times, to engage in meaningful conversation.
- For wisdom and love in your hearts, to help you engage freely and naturally.
Be encouraged as you share the gospel!
About this Plan

"Go into all the world and..." The great commission gives us a clear purpose, but reaching people starts with connection and conversation! “I have become all things to all people that by all possible means I might save some.” This plan encourages and equips us to engage with people through everyday spiritual conversations in the hope they take steps toward Jesus.
We would like to thank Shining Lights Trust for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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