Gift of GodSample

Day 3: The King is Enthralled by your Beauty
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see a wonderful creation? A gift from God? Do you notice the beauty that lies within you?
Sadly, we usually judge ourselves right away. We look into the mirror and think about how our nose is too big or our lips too thin and we notice every single blemish and every single wrinkle on our skin.
Why do we insult ourselves? Why are we our harshest critics?
In the royal Psalms, it says to “let the king be enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your Lord” (Psalm 45:11). God is enthralled by our beauty. He, the King of all Kings, finds us beautiful. In fact, He finds us so beautiful that He tells us through King Solomon in Song of Songs 4:7, “You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.” God telling us we have no flaws. Crazy!
We look in the mirror and we point out everything that’s wrong with ourselves. We point out every flaw and every mistake. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe we're looking at the wrong mirror? It’s like looking in the evil queen's mirror. But in this case, it’s the devil's. We need to be looking in God's mirror. His mirror reflects the truth He has for us. We aren’t mistakes, we're beautiful. We aren’t flawed, we're flawless.
God's mirror isn’t actually a mirror and the devil's mirror isn’t actually a mirror. It’s us deciding whose lens we want to look through. Whose perspective do we want to see from? Do we want to view ourselves through God's eyes or the eyes of the world?
God gives us a choice to choose His lens. He feeds us the truth and it’s up to us to believe it. When we accept His compliment that we are beautiful, we will be gifted in other ways. We will walk out in faith with more confidence, and we will be willing to show more love towards others because of it.
God knows we are beautiful. We are made in His image. We reflect Him. He made us all uniquely. In the kingdom of heaven, there is no such thing as being too tall or too large. No such thing as being too short or too thin. In heaven, we are all equals. Our beauty reflects what’s written on our heart, not what the people of this world see, but what God sees.
Today, I want you to pin up a verse that tells you how beautiful you are. Put it on your mirror so that every time you look at yourself, the truth speaks loud and clear. You are beautiful. You are valued. You are loved.
1) What is one thing you can compliment yourself on your outward appearance? What about inward appearance?
2) Compliment someone today by telling them they are beautiful. Notice how that person responds and how it makes you feel.
About this Plan

You are a gift from God! You were made in His image and you are a wonderful creation. This 7-day devotional, written by Emily Dickinson, explores your unique gifts and inspires you to live confidently through His generosity and wisdom.
We would like to thank BRIAN DICKINSON for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: