Gregg Matte - 5 Steps to Take During a StormSample

Jesus, Your Savior
Do you know that the Gospel, the good news, is found throughout the Scripture? The disciples are on a journey, and they encounter a storm. Jesus comes off the mountainside to meet the disciples. Peter walks on water toward Jesus, and then he begins to sink because he got his focus wrong.
What is the Gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ died on a cross, on a hill called Calvary. Even on the cross, He muttered prayers for you and me. “Forgive them. They know not what they do,” he prayed for the soldiers that were killing Him. He came, if you will, off the cross and to the resurrection to come to you and me as we’re journeying across this sea called life. We are walking this journey of faith, we begin to sink in our sin, and Jesus, walking on water, grabs our hand when we say, “Lord, save me! Lord, save me!”
Do you know Jesus as Lord and Savior? What this means is that you declare, “Jesus, I know I have sinned. I trust that You died on the cross. You rose from the grave, and Your hand is extended to me from heaven. I want to grab Your hand, and I want You to be my Savior.’”
Salvation requires two things: to believe and receive.
“I believe that You are the Son of God, and I receive You to be my forgiveness and wash me clean.”
If you make this declaration, my friend, you will find grace like never before. You can pray right where you are, and His hand will reach out and grab you at this moment.
About this Plan

This plan is a continuation of Gregg Matte's devotional, Courage In The Storm. When you're going through a storm, Jesus can show up when you least expect it and do what you could never imagine. Through this plan, Pastor Gregg Matte goes through 5 steps that can encourage you in your walk with the Lord and strengthen your faith during the storm.
We would like to thank Gregg Matte for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: