Mornings With Jesus 2016: 14-Day PlanSample

Through the years I’ve learned the value of sharing my worries and concerns with someone I trust. It can be difficult, but opening up to a close friend paves the way for encouragement, counsel, and emotional and prayer support. More important, I’m learning what it means to cast my anxieties on the One Who cares most about me.
For some reason, it’s not an easy lesson for me to learn. I tend to hold on to problems and worries that seem rather trivial when compared to more serious issues. It’s as though I can’t expect Jesus to be bothered with the small stuff. It’s also hard for me to let go of burdens caused by my disobedience or wrong choices.
That’s why I love that Peter quotes from Psalm 55:22: “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you.” Jesus worked in Peter’s life in miraculous ways: letting him walk on water, restoring a servant’s ear that Peter had impetuously sliced off. Jesus also dealt with the more mundane: He helped Peter haul in a huge catch of fish. Later, after Peter denied knowing Jesus three times, Jesus helped him get rid of that heavy burden.
We were not meant to carry our burdens alone, but to entrust them into the hands of a loving Lord. If I know Jesus as my Savior, that means I have trusted Him with the destiny of my soul. Why should I hesitate to share any of my everyday concerns or worries with Him? We never know when those “little” problems will morph into major troubles. But even if they don’t, we can be confident that Jesus cares about every facet of our well-being. —Dianne Neal Matthews
FAITH STEP: Examine your life to see what unresolved issues and problems are causing you anxiety. Tell Jesus you are handing those over to Him. Thank Him for taking on your burdens.
About this Plan

This Mornings with Jesus 2016 plan features 14 days of inspiring devotions, written by women, designed to bring you closer to the heart of Jesus and fill you with hope and direction. Each devotion includes a scripture reference accompanied by a faith step to help you apply the Word and live a more Christlike life.
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