Mornings With Jesus 2016: 14-Day PlanSample

Years ago a friend read a book about the power of praising God regardless of our circumstances. She and her husband taught this principle to their children, including their younger daughter who had been born with part of her right foot missing. I was at their home one afternoon as the kids scrambled around looking for their shoes. The younger daughter raced through the room, saying, “I can’t find my foot—but praise the Lord anyway!”
We’ve been created with a built-in need to praise and worship, but sadly, that often goes missing. We may let that part of our spiritual life be overshadowed if we focus solely on serving Christ and others. Or we may neglect to make time for praise because of our busy schedules. I think many people, including me, have an unconscious attitude that our circumstances and our mood have to be just right before we can legitimately offer praise to our Savior.
Recently I began to intentionally incorporate more personal praise into my weekdays. I developed the habit of beginning my day with worship as soon as I opened my eyes. I listened to praise music while getting dressed. Most important, I determined to choose praise whenever I least felt like it. Even when I don’t like what’s happening, I can choose to praise Jesus for Who He is, what He’s done, and what He has promised to do. I discovered that while praise didn’t change my circumstances, it transformed my attitude. —Dianne Neal Matthews
Faith Step: Make a plan to incorporate “praise breaks” throughout your day. Whenever a negative thought or circumstance pops up, tell Jesus that you will praise Him anyway. Afterward, note how this response changed your attitude.
About this Plan

This Mornings with Jesus 2016 plan features 14 days of inspiring devotions, written by women, designed to bring you closer to the heart of Jesus and fill you with hope and direction. Each devotion includes a scripture reference accompanied by a faith step to help you apply the Word and live a more Christlike life.
We would like to thank Guideposts for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: