Mornings With Jesus 2016: 14-Day PlanSample

Perhaps you’re familiar with the painting Christ at Heart’s Door by Warner Sallman. It features a white-robed Jesus standing before a closed door, His hand raised to knock. The door contains a square grid at eye level, implying that the home’s occupant can see the visitor and recognize that He’s trustworthy. However, the door lacks an outside knob, indicating that the occupant chooses whether or not Jesus gains entry.
I opened the door of my heart to Jesus when I was eight years old, but many years passed before I understood the depth of the relationship He desires. Jesus wants more than access; He wants a willing and welcome invitation into the hub of my heart’s home.
In my physical home, visiting friends and family gather around the table for food, fun, and fellowship. We share hopes and dreams, struggles and secrets. We encourage one another, and we pray for the other’s concerns. I love it that Jesus desires this type of relationship with His followers.
Imagine—He wants to come in and share a meal with us. Picture yourself sitting at your table, enjoying meaningful conversation with Him. You trust Him implicitly, and you know He always has your best interest in mind, so you’re free to share anything with Him. He listens and gives wise counsel. His presence fills you with peace, courage, and hope.
Jesus wants our friendship. He won’t force His way into our lives, but He waits for our invitation: “Come in! Make Yourself at home.” Have you opened your heart’s door to Jesus? —Grace Fox
FAITH STEP: Prepare your favorite snack. Set two places at your table—for you and for Jesus. Talk to Him as your best friend. Savor this time in His presence.
Taken from Mornings with Jesus 2016 by Guideposts. Learn More
About this Plan

This Mornings with Jesus 2016 plan features 14 days of inspiring devotions, written by women, designed to bring you closer to the heart of Jesus and fill you with hope and direction. Each devotion includes a scripture reference accompanied by a faith step to help you apply the Word and live a more Christlike life.
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