COVID-19 Novel Encouragement Sample

God is Omniscient
O Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word on my tongue, but behold, Lord, You know it altogether. You have hedged me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; It is high, I cannot attain it. Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, you are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me. If I say, “Surely the darkness shall fall on me,” Even the night shall be light about me; indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, But the night shines as the day; The darkness and the light are both alike to You. Psalm 139:1-12 NKJV
For the Lord is the God of knowledge; and by him actions are weighed. I Samuel 2:3 NKJV
When the coronavirus was first announced in China, we were all caught by surprise, just as many worldwide are stunned now. Our 2-week Chinese New Year trip to my mother-in-law’s home in western China turned into a month before we could return to Beijing and start our 14-day in-home quarantine. Had we known our return to Beijing would be delayed, we’d have packed more, or perhaps not left at all. We didn’t know. Like everyone else, we were caught by surprise. But God was not surprised. He is omniscient. God knows everything.
A year ago you didn’t know what your life and the world would be like now. You don’t know what will happen tomorrow (James 4:14). Before you were born, even before God created the world, He knew where you would be today; isolated at home or fatigued at work, experiencing steady income or financial uncertainty, God knew about it long ago. He is not surprised or unprepared.
The Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts (I Chronicles 28:9). He knows your real motives and thoughts, your hurts and despair, your worries, and even your secret sin. Regardless of what others see, God knows what’s on the inside. He knows what nobody else knows. He knows you and He loves you.
God knew how this epidemic would affect you and the country where you live. Did the devil do this? Is it beyond God’s control? Or, did God send it? We want answers, but in the big picture, this knowledge is unessential. What is essential is that God knew what would happen. Is the virus His will? Does He allow it because we haven’t prayed? Some people are rebuking the virus in Jesus’ name and others are praying it will quickly end. This is good, but after all the praying and rebuking, the virus is still here, and spreading globally. Didn’t God know the virus was coming? He certainly knew, and whatever its origin, He’s using it to get our attention. Was the persecution in Acts 8 from the devil or just angry people? It doesn’t matter. God wasn’t surprised. He knew it would happen and He used it to spread the Gospel (vs. 4). Let’s face it: God is a lot smarter than we are. He knows what is needed, and whether He directly brings it on, or the devil or the world (human error or nature) sends it, nothing surprises God. He uses it for our good (Rom. 8:28), and He works through us to bring lost people to himself.
So, where are you, not only geographically, but in your relationship with God? He knew the current situation would get your attention. He wants to use this opportunity to work in and through you. If you don’t know him, He’s calling to you in the crisis. You don’t know when the epidemic will end or what our world will look like then, but God knows. Perhaps you know unchurched or unsaved people who, due to the uncertainty of this time, would be more open to receiving the Love of Jesus or an invitation to join one of the countless online services in many languages that are available now. God knew this time would be here, and maybe you know people who speak these languages who would appreciate your invitation to join a service. God knew, and he placed you where you are for such a time as this.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, you know all, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Help me rest in the assurance of your loving hand of omniscient control. Give me peace to place all my joys and all my worries in your hand so that I may walk this journey of life with faithfulness, joyfully anticipating what you have planned for me today. Amen.
By M Knapp, BICF City Church, Beijing
About this Plan

Novel Encouragement is a 60-day devotional that church leaders from across Beijing and China were led to write during the COVID-19 outbreak, sending it out day by day to the people of the church and beyond. We hope you will also benefit deeply from it as it points you to the Lord as you are experiencing the trials – and opportunities – of the COVID-19 crisis whenever you are.
We would like to thank Beijing International Christian Fellowship for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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