Walking With Him Daily Acts Bible PlanSample

Day 7
Read – Acts 7
Acts 7:60 "Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, 'Lord, do not hold this sin against them!' And saying this, he fell asleep."
Even to the end, Stephen was filled with the Holy Spirit in such a way that he was able to intercede on behalf of those who were stoning him. He had already forgiven them for what they had done and was asking God to not hold them accountable. What an example! To love those around us so much more then ourselves that you would intercede on behalf of your own murderers. Could you do that? Does Jesus love pour through you in such a way that when and if someone put a gun to your head and said, deny Jesus or die and your reply to him would be, Lord, please do not hold this sin against him? That is the type of love that Jesus had too. Remember what He said on the cross? Lord, forgive them for they know not what they do... This is the love that Jesus desires for us to be overflowing with. Lord, live in us in such a way that your love overflows out of us to those around us. Help us to be filled with you always.
About this Plan

This bible plan is a compilation of daily doses of scripture designed to help Christ followers walk through Acts. This walk is dedicated to helping followers connect with Christ on a daily basis. He is our rock, He is our master and He is our loving Father. A daily walk with Him will help you find the true meaning of the word faith. Forsaking All I Turn to Him!
We would like to thank Beau Waldrup for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://covenantbooks.com/books/?book=walking-with-him-daily
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