Walking With Him Daily Acts Bible PlanSample

Day 20
Read – Acts 20
Acts 20:22 - 24 "'And now I am on my way to Jerusalem, bound in my spirit, not knowing what I will encounter there, except that in town after town the Holy Spirit testifies to me that chains and afflictions are waiting for me. But I count my life of no value to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of God’s grace.'"
Wow. To know where you are going as the Holy Spirit has revealed to you that you will suffer for the name of Jesus and then to be able to walk directly into it. Why do you think that the Lord was leading Paul into this? Why do you think that the Lord did not remove the obstacles in front of Paul and use in for many years later to profess the gospel of Jesus? Have you ever had a time in which you knew what the right thing to do was and you knew it was going to be painful, but you knew you had to do it? I am not sure as to the reasons that Paul had to suffer the way he did, but if you remember back in chapter 9 of Acts, Jesus said to Ananias that He (Jesus) was going to show Paul how much he had to suffer for God's name. In other words, it was already set that Paul's path would require suffering should he choose to follow God's will. So, what does that say about us? How much do you understand about God's will for your life? A little? A lot? As long as you are faithful with the amount of His will that He has revealed to you, He will continue to lead you in those paths no matter what it holds. The rewards for following God's will are always greater than the pain or suffering we have to endure on this side of glory.
About this Plan

This bible plan is a compilation of daily doses of scripture designed to help Christ followers walk through Acts. This walk is dedicated to helping followers connect with Christ on a daily basis. He is our rock, He is our master and He is our loving Father. A daily walk with Him will help you find the true meaning of the word faith. Forsaking All I Turn to Him!
We would like to thank Beau Waldrup for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://covenantbooks.com/books/?book=walking-with-him-daily
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