Walking With Him Daily Acts Bible PlanSample

Day 23
Read – Acts 23
Acts 23:11 "The following night, the Lord stood by him and said, 'have courage! For as you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.'
Wow. Would it not be awesome to have the Lord stand by us and encourage us? No doubt Paul was seeking his face and perhaps feeling a little down as to what was the purpose of this. As such the Lord stood by and encouraged him. How many times in our time of need does the Lord stand by and wait to encourage us, but we do not seek His face enough to see or hear His encouragement? The Lord is my comfort. How do we know that? Only through the experiences that we might have where God has comforted us. In your time of need, seek His face and He will draw near. Lord, you are our rock. You are the only one that can provide true comfort for us in our greatest times of need. Draw near to us today.
About this Plan

This bible plan is a compilation of daily doses of scripture designed to help Christ followers walk through Acts. This walk is dedicated to helping followers connect with Christ on a daily basis. He is our rock, He is our master and He is our loving Father. A daily walk with Him will help you find the true meaning of the word faith. Forsaking All I Turn to Him!
We would like to thank Beau Waldrup for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://covenantbooks.com/books/?book=walking-with-him-daily
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