Walking With Him Daily Acts Bible PlanSample

Day 15
Read – Acts 15
Acts 15:10 - 11 "'Now then, why are you testing God by putting a yoke on the disciples' neck that neither our ancestors nor we have been able to bear? On the contrary, we believe we are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus in the same way they are.'"
Some believers were so hung up on the tradition that they missed that when the Holy Spirit came down; this was God choosing to accept these Gentiles because they had chosen Him and given their lives to Him despite the fact that they were not circumcised. However, some of the Jewish believers were insisting that they needed to be circumcised and keep the Law of Moses in order to be believers. The moral of this story for me is to be very careful of anything that you add to what God has said. Everything we learn as Christian should be founded in God's Word, the Bible. As such, how can you know if something is founded in the Word, if you do not read the Word yourself, or dive into it to study or even know how to go about seeking answers in it? We must know how to seek truth in God's Word for ourselves and not rely on others to feed us. If you do, how can you ever know that what is said is truth? The person feeding us could be leading us further and further from the truth and we not even realize it. Lord, help us to see the importance of your Word and the truth that it holds. Keep us from false teachings and interpretations that are outside of your truth but bring us back to your Word.
About this Plan

This bible plan is a compilation of daily doses of scripture designed to help Christ followers walk through Acts. This walk is dedicated to helping followers connect with Christ on a daily basis. He is our rock, He is our master and He is our loving Father. A daily walk with Him will help you find the true meaning of the word faith. Forsaking All I Turn to Him!
We would like to thank Beau Waldrup for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://covenantbooks.com/books/?book=walking-with-him-daily
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