Go: A 40-Day Journey To The Never ReachedSample

Rose’s Awakening
By: Katie Benson
Rose and Dina, her best friend came to Chi Alpha to practice English. In our weekly Bible study I asked them about their stories. Dina’s included a broken engagement and slowly coming to understand the love of Christ. Rose, a Catholic, was angry and bitter. Her mother had recently died, her father had not handled the situation well. Rose doubted God’s love.
Rose agreed to come to the Bible study to please Dina. Dina talked, and Rose remained silent. I wanted to hear Rose’s thoughts, but never got the chance. Then one week Dina had a flat tire and couldn’t make it so Rose came alone.
That night, we discussed finding our identity in Christ. Seeing her puzzlement I shared a simple plan of salvation. With tears in her eyes, she asked, “But Katie, why would Christ die for me? I’ve made so many mistakes.”
“That’s exactly why you need him,” I replied. Suddenly, throwing the papers in her hands into the air, she raised her hands, and shouted, “I want this! I want to know Jesus. I want to really know him!” That night, Rose committed to going further and knowing Christ personally.
God wanted her to go even further, but she hesitated when we studied water baptism. But after we finished, Rose said, “I need this. I want to go further. I want to publicly declare that I know Jesus.”
When Rose was baptized, she was immediately touched by the Holy Spirit. At the next Bible study, Rose asked again about the Holy Spirit. “I want to experience that again.” “You can,” I replied. “Every day.” When we started to worship, she was filled with joy and couldn’t stop laughing and crying.
Now Rose leads a small group and tells unbelievers about Jesus. Rose has taken it further; no longer content just to know Christ; she makes him known to others.
Go Further
Step out boldly in faith for another brother or sister in Christ. After praying about it, tell them of the promise and opportunity you see for them and challenge them to go further with God to fulfill that potential and God’s call on their lives.
Pray for Never Reached People Group: The Sulawesi Tengah: Dampelas of Indonesia
Ask God to raise up intercessors with a heart for the Sulawesi Tengah.
About this Plan

Jesus walked on this earth for exactly 40 days after his resurrection. During those 40-days, one word resounds: GO. Dive into the stories and perspectives of people who love the Never Reached as they unpack why Jesus’ words mandate all Christ-followers to Go.
We would like to thank Assemblies of God World Missions - Asia Pacific for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://asiapacificmissions.org/