The Victories Of Christ For The Believer Sample

Eternal Life
Eternal life is a process finished by the Father. In the expression: He gave us life, Paul used it in aorist tense, which refers to a simple occurrence of an action without reference to its completeness, duration, or repetition. Thus, God raised us up with Christ (aorist tense), and seated us with Him (aorist tense), in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus. This is a discussion to show that salvation arrived in a punctual time and does not repeat itself.
Eternal life is possible through the effectiveness of the death of the Son because His death cleans our sins. Why do we assert the security in salvation? Sin condemns us. If sin does not exist, there is no condemnation. To reference the animal sacrifices made by the priest in the old covenant, the book of Hebrews mentions that those sacrifices could never take away sins … to take away is the Greek word perielein, which means to remove something from someone or something. People who believe salvation can be lost are practically doing the same thing the priest did in the Old Testament, offering their sacrifices every day. But Christ did it once and for all – giving one complete sacrifice for all our sins, and He removed them forever.
The death of the Son forgives our sins once and for all. Christ was the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Ephapax (once and for all) is an adverb that means a unique idea with the exclusion of any other idea, an idea that happens once and for all without it happening again.
Many do not have a problem with the forgiveness of past sins, if not with the future ones. Some ask, “What would happen if I die without asking God for forgiveness?” The word Ephapax implies that all sins – past, present and future; black, gray, or white; confessed or not confessed; known or unknown – were paid through Christ on the cross. This truth gives peace and security.
Eternal life is guaranteed through the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives us testimony that we are children of God. Everyone who is guided through the Holy Spirit are children of God. And if children then are also heirs, the seal of the Holy Spirit guarantees eternal salvation. The seal represents authenticity, protection, and possession. The Holy Spirit is the guarantee of our inheritance. He is the deposit that authenticates the possession acquired -- us!
About this Plan

In this nine-day devotional, we will emphasize the Victories of Christ in three core pillars: 1) victory over eternal death, 2) victory over Satan, and 3) victory over the slavery of sin. Many times we find ourselves trying to fight a battle that Christ already won on the cross; thus, it’s necessary to know the victory that He has given us.
We would like to thank Grace School of Theology for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: and