What Did Jesus Do & Why Does It Matter?Exemplo

Those Who Are Deaf Hear
Welcome to Day 5! We’re excited to continue exploring what Jesus did during His time on earth. So far, you’ve seen Him restore sight to the blind, enable the paralysed to walk, and cleanse someone suffering from leprosy. Along the way, you’ve encountered the Pharisees, the self-appointed religious authorities, and learned about the “Son of Man,” a title Jesus used to point to His divine mission. Today, you’ll witness Jesus enabling a deaf man to hear—a moment rich in symbolism and deeper meaning.
Reminder: Take time to read today’s passage on your own or with a friend. Then, when you catch up this week—whether in person or on a call—share what stood out, reflect on your insights, and discuss how it connects to your life. Keep the conversation going!
The story you’ll read today connects to prophecies from Isaiah, a book in the Old Testament written centuries before Jesus. In it, God promises a future time of restoration for Israel—a time marked by miraculous signs: the blind would see, the deaf would hear, and the mute would speak. These prophecies pointed to the arrival of the Messiah, a chosen figure sent to bring God’s kingdom and renewal to the world. For Jesus’s Jewish audience, His miracles would have immediately brought these prophecies to mind, signalling that something extraordinary was happening.
One of these signs is seen in the healing of a deaf man. As incredible as the miracle is, the way Jesus performs it might seem unusual. He puts His fingers in the man’s ears, spits, and touches his tongue. In the first century, saliva was thought to have healing properties, so this act may have reassured the man or aligned with the expectations of those watching. However, the miracle doesn’t happen because of the physical actions—it happens when Jesus speaks, “Be opened.” This shows that the power isn’t in the procedure, but in Jesus’s word and authority.
Yet, despite witnessing this moment, the crowd misses the deeper meaning. They are amazed by the miracle but fail to recognize what it signifies: God’s promised restoration is unfolding before their eyes. Like the deaf man before his healing, their spiritual understanding remains “closed,” shaped by their own struggles, expectations, and distractions.
This story is more than just a physical healing; it’s a powerful picture of how Jesus not only restores bodies but also opens hearts and minds to the reality of God’s love and kingdom.
Reflection Questions
- The crowd begged Jesus to heal the man, possibly out of desperation. Is there anything in your life you’re desperate to change? What have you turned to for help?
- Jesus spoke the words “Be opened” to heal the man physically. If He were speaking to your life today, what area might He be inviting you to “open up” to?
- If Jesus could bring healing or clarity to an area of your life, what would you want Him to change?
We’ll see you tomorrow for Day 6!
Sobre este plano

Jesus didn’t just talk about His mission—He revealed it through His actions. This 7-day plan invites you to explore the stories of Jesus—not just what He said, but what He did. You’ll see Him heal the sick, restore outcasts, and bring hope to those on the margins. Through His actions, He showed a different kind of Kingdom—one where the broken are embraced, the overlooked seen, and true blessing comes from trusting God. Each day, you’ll uncover how Jesus lived His mission, the radical love He demonstrated, and why His words and actions matter today.