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What Did Jesus Do & Why Does It Matter?Exemplo

What Did Jesus Do & Why Does It Matter?

Dia 3 de 7

Those Who Limp Walk

Welcome to Day 3! Over the last two days, you’ve seen how Jesus responded to doubt by pointing to His actions. Yesterday, we explored the story of a man born blind who received not only physical sight but also spiritual clarity. Today, we’ll look at another miraculous healing—this time involving a paralysed man—and consider how it reveals more about Jesus and His mission.

Before we dive in, take a moment to reflect. Has anything new stood out to you about Jesus or yesterday’s story? Do you have any lingering questions? If so, chat with your friend or write them down.

Reminder: Take time to read today’s passage on your own or with a friend. Then, when you catch up this week—whether in person or on a call—share what stood out, reflect on your insights, and discuss how it connects to your life. Keep the conversation going!

The story begins with a scene that’s both chaotic and deeply moving. A paralysed man’s friends, desperate to help him, break through the roof of a house to lower him down to Jesus. Take a moment to consider the practical implications of what they did! Imagine the determination and faith driving them to such lengths! Now consider Jesus’ response: Instead of rebuking them for the disruption, Jesus sees their faith and responds in a way no one expects: “Son, your sins are forgiven.”

This statement shifts the focus from the man’s physical condition to his spiritual need. In first-century Jewish culture, many believed physical ailments were a direct result of personal or ancestral sin—a sign of divine punishment. Jesus’ declaration challenges this assumption, offering the man forgiveness and affirming his faith. However, this stirs controversy among the religious leaders present. According to Jewish law, only God could forgive sins, so they silently accuse Jesus of blasphemy, believing He is claiming divine authority He does not have.

Jesus, fully aware of their thoughts, responds with a bold question: “Which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk’?” In their view, forgiving sins was an invisible claim—impossible to verify. Healing, on the other hand, was immediate and undeniable. To prove His authority, Jesus does both. He heals the man, demonstrating His power not only to restore the body but also to forgive sin. In doing so, He affirms His identity as the “Son of Man”—a title from Jewish prophecy referring to the divine messenger who would bring God’s kingdom and authority.

This story is more than a miraculous healing. It’s a profound revelation of who Jesus is and what He came to do. By forgiving sins and restoring the man’s health, Jesus shows that His mission is not just about physical restoration but about offering wholeness and reconciliation with God. For the crowd and the Pharisees, this moment challenges their understanding of God’s work and forces them to reconsider their beliefs about Jesus.

Reflection Questions

  1. How are Jesus’ words about forgiveness and healing connected?
  2. What do you think Jesus is conveying in His confrontation with the Pharisees?
  3. What does it mean to have faith, and where do you place yours?

Take time to discuss or reflect on these questions, and we’ll see you tomorrow for Day 4!


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What Did Jesus Do & Why Does It Matter?

Jesus didn’t just talk about His mission—He revealed it through His actions. This 7-day plan invites you to explore the stories of Jesus—not just what He said, but what He did. You’ll see Him heal the sick, restore outcasts, and bring hope to those on the margins. Through His actions, He showed a different kind of Kingdom—one where the broken are embraced, the overlooked seen, and true blessing comes from trusting God. Each day, you’ll uncover how Jesus lived His mission, the radical love He demonstrated, and why His words and actions matter today.
