All Who Are Weary: God Is My DelivererExemplo

The LORD is My Help
Because You are my help, I sing in the shadow of Your wings.
I cling to You; Your right hand upholds me.
-Psalm 63:7-8
The Promise: The LORD Is My Help.
Are you worried about what the day will bring? The Lord is your help. Are you unsure where provision will come? The Lord is your help. Whatever point is bringing you pain, know this: God hides you under the shadow of His wings, and He holds you securely. There is no place too far or problem so unfixable where He can’t go. Rest in the truth that God is your help and is worth clinging to.
Worship in the Waiting:
“God Turn It Around” by Church of the City
Try This: Breathe
Inhale your breath slowly as you count to four. Hold the breath for four seconds. Slowly exhale and count four seconds. Repeat three more times. This is box breathing, and it will slow down your mind and body. If you need to do it a few more times, please do. This kind of breathing brings a calm to your body and mind.
Sobre este plano

This is week three in a seven-week series that walks you through the struggles of anxiety while holding to biblical truth and God’s promises. This eight-day plan provides encouragement and practical application to align your heart and mind with the love of Jesus in the midst of anxiety. This week’s promise: God is my deliverer.