All Who Are Weary: God Is My DelivererExemplo

Jesus Intercedes
Therefore He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them. -Hebrews 7:25
The Promise: Jesus Intercedes for Me.
Some days it’s difficult to utter any semblance of a prayer. The weight of your troubles sits heavy on your chest, and it can take all your energy simply to get through the day. But we have a high priest who is not only able to sympathize with us, He also takes our needs to God the Father and pleads for mercy on our behalf. Jesus is in our corner, comforting us with His compassion, but also interceding for our healing. Nothing is out of His realm, and He is always at work on your behalf.
Worship in the Waiting:
“I Speak Jesus” by Charity Gayle
Try This: Nap Time
Napping isn’t just child’s play. It’s deep and healing, a restoration of your body you may not know you need. Try a nap. Lay down on the couch, or snuggle into your bed. Slow your breathing, feel your head on the pillow. Give your cares to the Lord as you give way to the exhaustion. When you wake up, may you feel peaceful and thankful for the needed rest.
Sobre este plano

This is week three in a seven-week series that walks you through the struggles of anxiety while holding to biblical truth and God’s promises. This eight-day plan provides encouragement and practical application to align your heart and mind with the love of Jesus in the midst of anxiety. This week’s promise: God is my deliverer.