All Who Are Weary: God Is My DelivererExemplo

God Delivers from Troubles
Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble,
and He delivered them from their distress.
-Psalm 107:6
The Promise: God Will Deliver Me From My Troubles
Isn’t it good to know that the God of the universe is on our side? Isn't it good to know that He sees you in your anxious moments, your sleepless nights, and the situations that drive you to your knees? When we don’t have the strength to get out of the pit we’re in, God swoops in and comes to our rescue. He is your rescue, your deliverer, your strong tower, and you can lean on Him with your whole weight and trust Him to come through for you today.
Worship in the Waiting:
“Waymaker” by Michael W. Smith
Try This: Worship Time
Pump up the worship music. Sing around the house, lift your hands in praise, and stand on God’s promises through song. Even if your heart isn’t fully engaged, worship music lifts the heart and gets it into a space to receive God’s love and how He wants to minister in the music.
Sobre este plano

This is week three in a seven-week series that walks you through the struggles of anxiety while holding to biblical truth and God’s promises. This eight-day plan provides encouragement and practical application to align your heart and mind with the love of Jesus in the midst of anxiety. This week’s promise: God is my deliverer.