It’s Time to ShinePrzykład

It’s Time to Shine

Dzień 6 z 7

Plan the Moment

When are you available? Do you have time to spare today, this week, or perhaps in the next two weeks? I hope so! If your calendar looks anything like the people I know, then your “free time” may be scarce.

Today, let’s consider another way we can use our time wisely and “go love.”

I think most of us truly wish we could take our sick friend dinner, serve at our church, gather with a Bible study group, or help someone move. But we are just too busy. Many of us can barely get all our personal tasks done each day. How could we possibly have time to be a blessing to someone else?

Our availability can have big swings depending on our season of life. But if we really value something or someone, there’s always a way. We simply need to ask God for direction over our plans. After all, God has purposed good works for us to do.

Here are some thoughts and ideas I hope will encourage you:

Years ago, I committed to regularly pray for specific people. So I made plan to write their names and needs on index cards and place them in my “prayer bowl” beside my special chair. I also intentionally keep space on my calendar to be available for coffee dates and the unexpected opportunities that come up to minister to others.

The pandemic caused many of us to get into the habit of not gathering—myself included. So last year, I decided to plan a weekly gathering to get my small group back together. I affectionately call it our “Pie Group” because we meet at a local bakery restaurant to “prattle (chat), praise, pray, and eat pie.” It’s been the sweetest time together (pun intended)!

Now it’s your turn. Make a practice of prayerfully planning out your schedule. And take confidence, as one who is in Christ—knowing you have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). Submit your plans to God, believing and trusting that:

… it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Philippians 2:13 NIV

The grace of God is an extravagant gift that demands our whole lives. But remember: We don’t love and serve God for approval; we serve Him from His approval.

But many good works would have never started if they weren’t first prayerfully planned. Seek God in prayer and look for ways you can serve. Where does your church need support? What local nonprofit could you come alongside to help? Who do you know who could use encouragement?

Reflection Questions:

  • Where in your schedule can you make room to intentionally “go love”?
  • Name someone that reflects the light of Jesus. In what ways does their life influence you?

Look Closer: Read Acts 20, and mark every reference to the Apostle Paul and his companions’ plans, purposes, and detours. How can you apply their ability to adjust and continue moving forward to your own experiences?

Dzień 5Dzień 7

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It’s Time to Shine

When you know who you are, you’ll know what to do. That’s why our identity in Christ is so essential to our faith. Learn more about living a Jesus-centered life in this 7-day Bible Plan from Pastor Amy Groeschel.
