It’s Time to ShinePrzykład

It’s Time to Shine

Dzień 5 z 7

Seize the Moment

Do you have a minute? This question usually means: Do you have 10-30 minutes? But hey, who’s counting?

Our time is a special gift. In just 30 minutes of time, we can accomplish something important or make a mess of things. We can wander aimlessly on our phones or enjoy time in sweet fellowship.

Today, let’s consider one of the ways we can “go love” by using our time wisely.

In Luke 10, we see a lawyer questioning Jesus about how to have eternal life. Jesus answered by quoting the two greatest commands: to love God and love his neighbor.

Then the lawyer asked Jesus, “Who’s my neighbor?” This is when Jesus began telling the story about a man traveling on a road who was robbed, beaten, and left barely alive. A priest saw the man’s need but passed by. A Levite saw him and kept walking. But a Samaritan saw him and had compassion.

And Jesus said to the lawyer, “Go and do likewise.”

How did this “good” Samaritan show love to his neighbor?

I see two main ways. The first was his sacrificial action. His compassion propelled him into generous action. He used what he had to treat and bandage the man’s wounds. Then he personally transported him to a nearby inn and paid the innkeeper for all his expenses.

But to me, the second characteristic of love I noticed is the most generous of all: He gave his time. Time is one of our most valuable resources. And it’s ours to give or keep to ourselves.

The Samaritan man stayed and cared for the injured man throughout that day and through the first night of his recovery. Now that’s compassionate love.

It takes faith to step out and put love into action. So take that step and seize the moment. Shine God’s love right where you are with the person right in front of you or with whoever God puts on your mind. Learn to stop what you’re doing and begin to prayerfully look and notice people around you.

Engage someone in conversation. Ask questions to learn what’s important to them and maybe even burdening them. Seize the moment. Speak life by sharing how much you love your kids, your spouse, or a friend. Tell them how much God loves them in some creative way. Tell them every good thought you’ve had about them that you’ve neglected to share.

Does someone you know have a need or a burden? Don’t only pray for them, but pray with them. Hug and hold them if you can. Do whatever practical or generous thought that lands in your mind. Don’t overthink your moments to shine with acts of generous, sacrificial acts of love.

Do you have a minute?Go share your story about God’s goodness. Go love radically in your home. Go promote change in your community. Go and do likewise. Walk as Jesus walked. Be an imitator of Christ. Serve and love as Christ has served you.

Reflection Questions:

  • What needs are you seeing that you keep passing by?
  • What moments can you begin to seize in order to give Christ’s love?

Look Closer: Read Luke 10:25-37, and look for more characteristics the Samaritan’s love demonstrated.

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It’s Time to Shine

When you know who you are, you’ll know what to do. That’s why our identity in Christ is so essential to our faith. Learn more about living a Jesus-centered life in this 7-day Bible Plan from Pastor Amy Groeschel.
