Uncommen: RengagePrzykład

Uncommen: Rengage

Dzień 5 z 5

Faith: Time to Get Back in the Word

John 15:4-5, "Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing."

I heard a comedian say, " I remember telling someone, if I only had the time...I'd do all kinds of things. I think we saw it's not about having time because I still don't know Spanish". If we only had the time, we would get in shape, read that book, learn a new skill, and many other things. But, I think 2020 showed us it's not about having the time but having a purpose and discipline. Some activities we took part in while we were at home were productive, and some were not.

A few things we did while staying home in 2020:  

  • Slept more      
  • Lived in PJs      
  • Drank more alcohol      
  • Attended Zoom meetings      
  • Binge watched shows online      
  • Learned TikTok dances      
  • Tried new recipes      
  • Went on walks      
  • Online shopping      
  • DIY projects

I hope we spent more time in God's word and praying during the Covid-19 lockdown than we did on our TikTok dance moves. Eighteen-plus months is a long time to entertain ourselves, but what a great time to dive deep into a book of the Bible. 

We saw an opportunity to write some Covid-19 specific content and encourage people who may be going through some tough times. For example, in prison, the worst thing they can do to someone is to put them in solitary confinement. So we addressed that topic as well as weathering storms, pursuing God in trials, and investing in yourself and your family during these times.

But as always, do we have a heart for God and want to become more like Jesus? We may never have another eighteen-plus months of quarantine to manage too much time on our hands. So if we had a hard time finding time for God then, how will we now?

Let's ReEngage our faith because while there may not be a pandemic when you read this devotional, there is always a need to be more Christlike.


Uncommen Questions:

Did you make time for growing in your walk with Christ before, during, and after Covid?

What could you have done differently?

What was the best thing that came out of the time of quarantine?


Uncommen Challenge:

I challenge us to make time for God no matter what happens in our lives or culture. It will be that investment that will help us through anything included a worldwide pandemic.

Additional articles are available on the Uncommen website

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Uncommen: Rengage

Even though it may not seem like it as we are trying to find our way in a pre/mid/post covid world, but we are STILL ON A MISSION—The Great Commission, that is. Our families, friends, work, church, and faith need us to reengage. We may be the only Jesus they see.
