Uncommen: RengagePrzykład

Uncommen: Rengage

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Work: Yes… You Have to Go Back to Work

In 2020, Covid-19 did a number on the economy, and businesses were forced to lay off employees or allow them to work from home. Being an entrepreneur myself, I know full well the hurdles of 2020 from a business perspective. But, unfortunately, in 2021, we see the impact of people being out of work for too long.  

  • Some have reconsidered their careers and don't want to return to that job they didn't like before 2020.  
  • Some have spent 2020 investing in themselves by learning new skills and are looking for better opportunities.   
  • Some jobs will never come back as they used to be because of the economy, industry, or business adjustments.  
  • Some may not be used to the schedule they once complied with before 2020.   
  • Then we have some that enjoyed sitting on the couch a little too much.

It's time to reengage into the workforce as we have responsibilities, and if you can work, there are jobs to be had. 

But besides the scenarios listed above, we may forget that our work environment can be a great mission field. For example, you may be the only Jesus someone at work will ever see, so it's more than just a paycheck. You and I were given gifts that I hope we are using every day, and when we don't, we miss out on blessings. I know I left behind some relationships when Hurricane Katrina forced our family to leave Louisiana.

For those who have had jobs go completely virtual, I would suggest trying to get together with those friends from work in your off-hours. You may have built some great relationships when you spend 40+ hours a week together. 

For those going back to work, your family, your employer, and the economy would like to say thank you.


Uncommen Questions:

Have you gotten too comfortable on the couch during your time off?

Do you need to find a new job that taps into your gifts and skillsets? Then do so!


Uncommen Challenge:

I challenge those who can work to reengage the workforce by getting back into the fray. It does a man good to put in a full day's work.


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O tym planie

Uncommen: Rengage

Even though it may not seem like it as we are trying to find our way in a pre/mid/post covid world, but we are STILL ON A MISSION—The Great Commission, that is. Our families, friends, work, church, and faith need us to reengage. We may be the only Jesus they see.
