

Dzień 4 z 15

When was the last time you told someone you loved them? Sometimes the words come more easily than others. But they carry a lot of weight, don’t they? Saying, “I love you,” is so much more than just words. It’s backed up by action. Jesus didn’t just say, “I love you;” He showed us His love with His life in how He treated people and ultimately how
He died. 

We never have to question how God feels about us because He backed up His claims with action. And He calls us to love others in the same way. So the next time you tell someone you love them, think about what that means. Go beyond just the words, and find a way to show them with your actions.

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O tym planie


We all have a tendency to hate on others. We can be pretty quick to judge. The problem? We were made for a different kind of world—a world designed for love, not hate. In this 15-day devotional, we’ll explore what it looks like to lead with love rather than judgement and make a move toward landing on the right side of the line.
