

Dzień 7 z 15

In this letter to the Thessalonians, Paul asked that God would make them holy. That word simply means to be set apart. In other words, as believers and followers of Jesus, there should be something about us that is different from how the rest of the world works. And not just at church. Paul is talking about our whole selves. 

The person you are at all times—at practice, at work, at school, at home. Who you are in all spaces and places in your life should be so marked by God’s work in you and God’s love in you that people stop and notice and see you as set apart. So, the question is: Where do you need God’s help with holiness? What space or place in your life needs you to be a little more set apart and consistent with what God says is true about you? Identify that area of who you are and ask for God’s help to work out His holiness in that place in your life this week.

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O tym planie


We all have a tendency to hate on others. We can be pretty quick to judge. The problem? We were made for a different kind of world—a world designed for love, not hate. In this 15-day devotional, we’ll explore what it looks like to lead with love rather than judgement and make a move toward landing on the right side of the line.
