A Great Awakening: Revival's Hour. Sample
Day 3: Humility Brings Renewal
Revival: The Welsh Revival (1904-1905)
‘The Welsh Revival’ began in the humble heart of Evan Roberts, a 26-year-old coal miner who prayed for 13 years for God to send revival to Wales. Roberts was burdened with a deep conviction that the Holy Spirit was ready to move if people would only surrender completely to God. The revival began in small prayer meetings where Roberts preached a simple but powerful message: confess all sin, remove anything doubtful from your life, obey the Spirit promptly, and confess Christ publicly.
What followed was nothing short of miraculous. Within a year, over 100,000 people in Wales had come to faith in Christ. Meetings were marked by spontaneous prayer, singing, and testimonies, with no formal leadership. Crime rates plummeted so drastically that police officers had little to do. Even the coal mining industry saw a revival, as hardened workers returned stolen goods and cleaned up their language, resulting in better work conditions. The revival’s fire spread to other parts of the world, inspiring movements in India, Korea, and beyond.
Revival begins with repentance and surrender. Are you willing to let God examine your heart?
About this Plan
This 7 day Bible reading plan is a powerful journey through scripture and revival history, inviting you to reflect on the awakening power of God.