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Hope First

Dag 20 av 30

How To Deal With Envy


President Theodore Roosevelt once said that “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Since then, many have discussed, repeated, and pondered on this thought. Today, we can find a great deal of relevance in this truth. When you see what others are accomplishing, achieving, and obtaining in their seasons and situations, how do you normally respond? Instead of celebrating and championing their successes and diligence, the trap of comparison causes us to compare ourselves with others - whether we have completed as much, excelled as significantly, or simply made as substantial of a mark on the world. Comparison’s greatest stumbling block is shifting our focus from the God who called and created us, to the person we are competing with (intentionally or not). However, we can only find our true calling, strength, and influence when we look to the source of purpose, wisdom, and favor: God. Psalm 121:2 says, “My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” 

The Bible holds countless stories of how comparison and competition robbed people of their joy, influence, and even years of their life. In Genesis 4, you can read about Cain’s jealousy of his brother, Abel. Cain was so jealous, to the point of anger, that he chose to take his brother’s life. As a result, he lived in exile from his family, among many other expected pains. Another example that’s found later in the book of Genesis (chapters 37-50), is the story of Joseph. Joseph was the 11th of Jacob’s 12 sons. Joseph had great favor with his father and it was obvious. His brothers were so annoyed by this that they sold their brother into slavery. They thought removing him from their lives altogether would make more room for their successes and promotions. Much like Abel, the choice they made caused their family great grief and turmoil. In both of these examples, jealousy and comparison made them desire to be better than someone else, instead of a heart to be the best version of themselves. 

Whether you are in a smooth season of life or a rocky one, the people surrounding you can bring you encouragement. Their accomplishments and victories are not obstacles or reasons to envy. They are continuous reminders that God is moving on this earth and that He has not forgotten you. Their lives and choices should challenge you to seek God fervently (with passion and discipline) for clarity on what He has called you to do, accomplish, and become. Everyone has a specific purpose, but comparison can deceive you into trying to hijack someone else’s instead of pursuing what has been assigned to you by God. Don’t allow your gaze to wander to those around you that have no power or authority to bring you success or favor. Keep your eyes on Jesus and He will use you to accomplish what you were created for. And in that sweet spot of peace and rest, you will find your true joy and fulfillment.



Thank You for giving me a unique purpose. Help me to fix my focus on You, instead of everyone else’s success and promotions. Help me to find true joy and fulfillment as I get to know You better and pursue Your best plan for my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Dag 19Dag 21

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Hope First

Start your day with hope. With the Hope First devotional plan, we've created devotionals that will inspire you to see God at work in your life through 5 key areas: Who God Is, Why We Can Trust God, Growing in Spiritual Discipline, Choosing Faith in Difficult Times, and Responding to God's Call to Reach Others.
