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Hope First

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How To Choose Joy

“Choose joy.” We hear and see those words often. They’re plastered on shirts, coffee mugs, and journals. But is choosing joy really as simple as putting on a shirt? What does choosing joy actually look like? 

In the hustle and bustle of each day, we are faced with many common and often frustrating scenarios, aka opportunities to choose joy. Imagine you’re rushing to get out the door on a Monday morning and you spill coffee on your favorite shirt. Frustration would be a natural response in this situation, but choosing joy would mean laughing it off instead of letting the frustration control your attitude. This choice of joy doesn’t mean you don’t feel the frustrations of those days. It means you learn to pull your joy from the love and grace of God and let your attitude reflect that.  

It’s important to learn how to choose joy in the simple, irritating moments in life. But it’s also important to choose joy when you are faced with more urgent situations like a financial crisis, health dangers, and the possible loss of life. We must know how to find that joy when our circumstances are grim. How different would life be if we stopped allowing negative circumstances to dampen our joy? 

In John 15:4-5 & 11 Jesus says, “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” 

In this passage, Jesus compares our relationship with Him to that of a vine (Christ) and branches (us). We have to remain connected to Him in order to truly live a life that demonstrates the joy, love, and character of Christ. We do this through prayer and letting Him speak into our situations, habits, and day-to-day life. When we stay connected with Him in a relationship, the Bible says we bear good fruit. That means He helps us produce a life that benefits ourselves and others - a life of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. When we abide in Jesus, He doesn’t promise that we will never have bad days or that unexpected things won’t happen. Instead, He gives us the opportunity to choose true joy. Being happy is an emotion, being joyful is a decision. It’s your choice. 

Be encouraged to find ways to choose joy no matter the circumstance. Whatever your situation may be, look at it with fresh eyes. Let this be your anthem: “yet I will rejoice in the LORD; I will take joy in the God of my salvation...” (Habakkuk 3:18)


Dear Heavenly Father, 

I know that I have not always chosen joy. At times, I have allowed my external circumstances to determine my attitude instead of looking to You as my source of hope. I’m sorry. Show me how to choose joy by being connected to You. May Your joy be complete in me. Thank You for walking this life with me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Dag 18Dag 20

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Hope First

Start your day with hope. With the Hope First devotional plan, we've created devotionals that will inspire you to see God at work in your life through 5 key areas: Who God Is, Why We Can Trust God, Growing in Spiritual Discipline, Choosing Faith in Difficult Times, and Responding to God's Call to Reach Others.
