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Hope First

Dag 21 av 30

Faith Over Fear

How does fear impact you? For many of us, fear can be physically and mentally crippling. Potential worst-case scenarios, replays of uncertain moments, or anxious waiting can overwhelm us. But there’s good news: we don’t have to live in distress. God gives us the authority and power to counteract the effects of fear with faith in Him. 

When fear comes, our response should be to turn our focus and attention to God, the Giver of all peace. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 says, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” God not only comforts us in the midst of our troubles, He gives us purpose through them. One of the ways He redeems our past anxieties is by using us to comfort others the way God comforted us. We can also activate our faith to overpower fear through prayer. 1 Peter 3:12a says, “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayer.” We only have to come before God and pursue His presence to receive His peace. Jeremiah 29:13b says that you can “find [Him} when you seek [Him] with all your heart.” In times of great anxiety, choose to rely on the truth that God is always with us and He hears us. As you pray, bring all your fears, worries, and concerns to Jesus. Choose to reflect on all the ways He has come to your rescue and saved you - this time will be no different. 

In uncertain times, when the future is unclear to us, know that it isn’t to God. Hebrews 11:1 teaches us that “...faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Faith is not a refusal to acknowledge that fear exists. Fear certainly is real. But faith is the understanding that even when we don’t have an answer or a solution, we can trust that God does. Let’s no longer allow fear to run rampant in our lives. Take comfort in the God that promises to bring peace to every storm we face. When we stop and admire the might and power of our God, who “picks up the whole earth as though it were a grain of sand” (Isaiah 40:15c), we know without a doubt that He is bigger than the valleys in front of us. He will carry you to the other side. Choose faith. 


Lord, Thank You for comforting and guiding me through all trials and hardships. Thank You that I can fully rely on You and place my hope in You. I know that Your Word is true and that Your promises never fail. You are always with me and You never leave me. Bring to my memory all the ways You have been good and faithful. Lord, I declare restorative peace over my mind and body. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Dag 20Dag 22

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Hope First

Start your day with hope. With the Hope First devotional plan, we've created devotionals that will inspire you to see God at work in your life through 5 key areas: Who God Is, Why We Can Trust God, Growing in Spiritual Discipline, Choosing Faith in Difficult Times, and Responding to God's Call to Reach Others.
