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Pause and Pray: 9 Days of the Fruit of the SpiritSample

Pause and Pray: 9 Days of the Fruit of the Spirit

दिन 7 को 9

Let’s Share Jesus’ Faithfulness

Jesus longs for our loving devotion, for us to pause throughout the day to say, Lord, I love you. But how often do we go days without looking up to heaven with gratefulness for all he has done and for all he does that we don’t even notice?

Our devotion to Jesus allows us to have confident faith in an unknown future that we can’t figure out, faith for what frustrates us, faith for what has us tied up in knots, faith for what wakes us up in the middle of the night, faith for what makes us feel we are losing our minds, faith that doesn’t give up on what seems impossible, and faith that ignites God to move mountains in our lives. God promises his immovable power, unconditional love, and faithful devotion to us, which are catalyst to our faith journey.

Today’s color of the day is purple. Whenever you see something purple, find a way to share Jesus’ faithfulness with someone around you. Consider asking a friend to pray with you. And then at 1:11 p.m., pause and pray with believers around the world, thanking God for the faithfulness he has shown you.

Jesus of faithfulness, thank you for your grace to carry our burdens, to pull us out of the pits that we have dug, and to catch us when we are plummeting in confusion about the unknown. Let us engrave a life of faithfulness on our hearts.


Day 6Day 8