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Pause and Pray: 9 Days of the Fruit of the SpiritSample

Pause and Pray: 9 Days of the Fruit of the Spirit

दिन 1 को 9

Let’s Share Jesus’ Love

Do we pause to pray when we tell someone we will? Do we live with unwavering faith, free from worry and anxiety? Do we choose each morning to focus our attention on making a habit of living the fruit of Jesus’ Spirit, modeling his character with a magnetism that will draw others to his Spirit? Do we put into action what we say we will do, not just speaking empty words?

The Bible describes how wide, long, high, and deep God’s love is for his children. We are products of Jesus’ unconditional love. Let us return his love by the way we live, being gentle and patient, forgiving as he forgives. Let’s choose to put love into action. People will notice, and Jesus will do the rest.

Today’s color of the day is red. Whenever you see something red, find a way to share Jesus’ love with someone around you. Consider texting someone who is important to you and letting them know how much you care about them. And then at 1:11 p.m., pause and pray with believers around the world, thanking God for the love he has given you.

Jesus of love, ignite within us a thirst to learn your ways, modeling your character so we can draw others toward your gospel of salvation. As you create opportunities for us to share your truth throughout our day, help us hear your voice leading the way so that we never miss a chance that you arrange for us to draw someone into your kingdom.


Day 2