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21 Day Press on FastSample

21 Day Press on Fast

दिन 6 को 21


Prayer Topic: Ask for contentment in all circumstances and reliance on Christ’s strength.

Contentment can seem elusive when we’re under pressure. We often think that contentment will come once our circumstances improve or once the pressure lifts. However, Paul teaches us in Philippians 4:11-13 that contentment isn’t about our situation—it’s about our perspective. Paul learned to be content whether he had plenty or little, because his contentment wasn’t rooted in what he had but in who was with him: Christ. Through Christ, we have the strength to face any challenge, to press on no matter the pressure. This doesn’t mean that every situation will be easy, but it does mean that we can experience peace and contentment in the midst of difficulty because our hope and security are found in Jesus. Today, as you press on, remember that true contentment comes from trusting in the One who strengthens you in every season of life.


  1. In which areas of your life are you struggling to find contentment, and how can Philippians 4:11-13 guide you?
  2. What practices can you implement to cultivate contentment amidst life’s pressures?


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